Woodland Design, under the guidance of nearly twenty area stakeholders appointed by the Wayne County Commissioners, met with leaders of each of the twenty-eight municipalities within Wayne County and inventoried the over 300 recreation and conservation sites across the County to create the Wayne County Recreation, Parks, and Natural Resources Plan. This plan provides eighteen high-priority recommendations to be pursued and achieved by the County and their partners (see Implementation Matrix) over the next decade in an effort to meet public recreational needs. During this process PA DCNR provided guidance to acquire and create a Master Plan for a park at Hankins Pond in Mt. Pleasant Township. The well known and historic Hankins Dam is scheduled to be safely breached as it has been determined to be “high-hazard” by the ACOE. The property will be developed into a conservation area and park for public access and enjoyment in the near future. The full Wayne County Recreation, Parks, and Natural Resources Plan, executive summary, and park plans are available here.